Ulv AI
Case Study

AI, Data and Advisory in 20 Markets

The Lexington Company is a luxury home & fashion brand with over 20 years in the industry


  • CategoryE-commerce
  • ServicesAI, Data, Advisory
  • PlatformsMeta & Mailchimp
  • Paid Social revenue increase YoY255%
  • Marketing Automation revenue increase YoY30%

Project overview

The Lexington Company is a luxury home & fashion brand with over 20 years in the industry and operates in over 20 markets globally. The Lexington Company is available in more than 700 retailers globally and the online store is available in more than 18 markets across the globe. Their HQ is located in Stockholm and is also the place of operation of their online store.

Ulv and The Lexington Company initiated its partnership in 2020 and has been a part of their digital global growth since. The partnerships main goal is to ensure growth, scalability and innovation through various projects.

To summarize

  • Data & Analytics
  • KPI framework and budgeting
  • Digital Marketing & Marketing Automation
  • Digital Advisory and Growth Strategy

Project execution

The Lexington Company wanted an agency and foremost a partner that would challenge their way of thinking and also way of working, while being a great collaborator to their existing marketing department.

It was important to have a close collaboration and to stay proactive to keep up with a fast paced and growing company. The main focus was to grow their online shop (e-commerce).

Our partnership includes implementing a scalable marketing technology stack, having a well performing channel mix, handling the different digital marketing channels, while also improving the customer loyalty. We have also created frameworks for how to work with influencers and how to best amplify them in order to ensure digital growth as part of the overall channel strategy and mix.

Through powerful data, AI and advisory initiatives and a tight collaboration we have together managed to surpass the yearly goals, such as:

  • Revenue
  • Expansion to new markets
  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
  • Successfully implemented new Marketing Technology Stack
  • New Marketing Automation with explosive growth
  • Paid Social (Meta Ads)

Ulv remains a true partner to Lexington and continues driving AI, Data and Advisory – as part of this is revenue forecasting and budgeting, and building predictive modelling of different channels and overall results for Lexington in all their different markets.


Lexington and Ulv has grown together. Surpassing goals and projections, such as:

  • Revenue
  • Expansion to new markets
  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
  • Successfully implemented new Marketing Technology Stack
  • New Marketing Automation with explosive growth
  • Paid Social

With weekly checkups and stand-ins, together with a dynamic budget composition, we continue to stay relevant to our customers. With a bigger scope on digital growth, digital marketing capabilities, advisory, data projects, risk assessments and monthly insights and moving forward together with deeper analysis when needed. We look forward to further strengthening our partnership moving forward.

”Vi kom i kontakt med Ulv under den dramatiska pandemi-våren 2020 och tillsammans utvecklade vi en helt ny online-strategi under den stressiga perioden. Det nya sättet att jobba blev omedelbart framgångsrikt. John, Sebastian och övriga gänget på Nimble har spelat en stor roll i den fantastiska resa Lexington gjort online från 2020 och framåt”

- Tommy LindheCOO, The Lexington Company AB
  • 255%Paid Social revenue increase YoY
  • 30%Marketing Automation revenue increase YoY