Ulv AI


Ulv AI





Predicting the next big thing since 2020

Our Work

AI that’s about strategy, ‍not just tech

American Express
Enhancing Digital Experience

In the digital era, offering an optimal user experience is paramount to business success. Recognizing this, American Express sought a data-driven approach to elevate their online user journey.

Elevating Hospitality: A Partnership Beyond Expectations

In the dynamic world of hospitality, our collaboration with Bank Hotel, Berns Hotel, Skepparholmen, and Boo Boo Living has set new benchmarks for success.

Enhancing B2B E-Commerce

As interim Head of E-Commerce and Management Consultant, we have spearheaded significant improvements across Menigo’s digital touchpoints, streamlining operations and boosting financial performance.

Take their word for it

“We got in touch with Ulv AI during the dramatic pandemic spring of 2020, and together we developed a completely new online strategy during that stressful period. The new way of working was immediately successful. John, Sebastian, and the rest of the team at Ulv AI have played a significant role in the amazing journey Lexington has made online from 2020 and onwards.”

Tommy Lindhe

Co-Founder, The Lexington Company

“Ulv AI really stands out in its way of working. They keep such an integrated approach combined with stellar expertise and commitment not to mention how transparent and innovative they are.”

Linda Nordlund

CMO, Stureplansgruppen

“The company name Ulv AI truly permeates our collaboration, from the start, on the journey, and throughout the ongoing work. We are constantly being challenged and have a good sparring partner as we develop our digital presence.”

Rasmus Bender

CEO & Founder, EFUEL

“Ulv AI’s ability to be there for us when we need it, combined with their deep understanding of the Mini Rodini brand, makes them an invaluable partner.”

Jonas Angelöv

Head of E-Com & Digital, Mini Rodini


Tap into a central nervous system


Three Pillars of Success

Ulv AI channels the strength, leadership, and foresight of the wolf into our AI, advisory, and data consulting services. Our wild and wise approach empowers clients to lead in their markets, leveraging these three pillars for strategic advantage and market leadership.



Amid a global crisis, Ulv AI was founded to infuse positivity and growth into clients’ brands. From our resilient beginnings, we’ve grown, earning trust and delivering success across industries.


Integrity and Commitment

We create genuine connections and deliver outstanding results through uncompromising integrity. Our approach is about being true to our values and yours. At Ulv, every interaction is founded on trust, and every strategy is developed with clear, honest communication.

Founders' Vision: Ancient Wisdom, Future Technology

AI Apex

A maturity framework that enhances marketing strategies and operational efficiencies with advanced AI, driving industry-leading results through strategic insights and expert guidance.


At this stage, businesses are beginning their AI journey. They often lack structured data practices and AI implementation is minimal or non-existent. The focus is on building awareness about AI potentials and laying the foundational data infrastructure.


In the integrate phase, companies start embedding AI into their operations but on a basic level. Efforts are concentrated on piloting AI projects to improve specific areas, such as customer service or operational efficiency, and integrating data insights into decision-making processes.


Here, organizations have several successful AI applications running and begin to see significant benefits. The focus shifts to refining these processes, optimizing AI tools for enhanced performance, and expanding AI use across more business areas to create a cohesive strategy.


At this advanced stage, AI is a core part of the business strategy. Companies innovate aggressively with AI, leading to new business models and revenue streams. They also leverage AI for predictive analytics and complex problem-solving, setting industry standards and pioneering new practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ulv AI is a leader in AI-driven transformation, specializing in artificial intelligence, advisory services, and data consulting. We leverage the strength and strategy of the Scandinavian wolf to guide your business through the complexities of the modern digital ecosystem, delivering bespoke, innovative solutions that ensure your business not only survives but thrives.

Step into the AI revolution.

Predicting the next big thing since 2020