Ulv AI
Case Study

Utilizing The Full Potential of Your CRM

Combining Sales and Marketing Efforts in a Holistic Marketing Approach. The power of a CRM system like HubSpot lies equally between successful implementation and the people who use it. This case study explores some common challenges with CRM implementation through the lens of EFUEL, one of Sweden’s leading EV-charge suppliers.


  • CategoriesB2B, E-commerce
  • ServicesAI, Advisory
  • Project TimelineOngoing
  • PlatformsHubspot, Shopify, Telavox

Project overview

EFUEL had opportunities for growth and improvement in several aspects of their CRM to augment marketing and sales operations. Initially, data integration across different platforms was a little bit challenging due to limited API connections. This made comprehensive client information slightly harder to access, impacting efficiency. Also, distinct MarTech platforms were utilized by individual departments, implying that a cohesive work process was an area for enhancement. For instance, the customer success team at EFUEL was using a separate system which, while functional, had room for optimization in terms of cross-departmental communication and collaboration.

One area of focus was customer segmentation and the sales funnel. Initially, EFUEL was in the process of refining their understanding of customer segments, which made a comprehensive overview of their inbound sales funnel a key area for improvement. Improved customer segment definitions were identified as essential for efficiently prioritizing marketing and sales efforts.

The third area for growth revolved around maximising the utility of the HubSpot tools at their disposal. Some HubSpot functions, like sequencing, tasks, forecasting, and meeting links, were underutilized, which indicated potential for growth in driving sales and prioritizing clients. This meant marketing activities had the opportunity to be better synchronized with sales and customer success, streamlining messaging and providing a more structured framework for marketing campaigns.

Project execution

To overcome the challenges, Ulv together with EFUEL set out a clear strategy and action prioritization;

  • Business Strategy: Developing a comprehensive CRM model to align sales, marketing, and customer success efforts while simultaneously adding sales forecasting and campaign analytics to increase understanding of how different market and sales activities affect revenue long-term. 
  • Data Management: Implementation of relevant data integrations and connections to streamline data through the CRM system. Involving establishment of hierarchical property structures to ensure accurate information transfer.
  • Organizational Work Processes: Implementation of new work processes, manuals, and education sessions for marketing, sales, and customer success teams to align their efforts. Establish clear guidelines to ensure streamlined communication based on customer tiers.
  • Messaging Strategy: Develop a consistent brand personality to ensure messaging consistency across departments and marketing efforts, aiming to improve communication effectiveness and enhance the overall customer experience.


To adapt a B2B CRM model, Ulv followed a systematic approach that included complete mapping of the current work processes, data integrations and brand guidelines. The situation analysis helped the CRM and data team to establish a roadmap and set priorities based on estimated impact. The implementation of the B2B CRM model resulted in significant improvements for EFUEL. The achieved results included:


  • Company-based sales funnel: A complete sales funnel was developed, with defining properties for each customer segment. This allowed for better tracking and management of existing customers that could be nurtured through their own separate workflows. 
  • Implementation of necessary properties and internal workflows: All relevant properties were mapped and documented, enabling easy segmentation and streamlined workflows within the CRM system. Control lists were created in order to quickly find data errors and keep the customer information clean and updated. 
  • Marketing workflows and sales sequencing: Workflows were created for each customer segment, combining sales and marketing efforts. Automated workflows ensured targeted marketing activities and sales tasks. Sales teams were able to prioritize higher paying customers, while marketing nurtured lower-tier clients and prospects.
  • Active lists for sales teams: Sales teams where given access to updated and segmented lists, providing them with valuable insights for their day-to-day work. The lists included key information such as lifecycle stage, total revenue, recent deal close date, and last contact, facilitating sorting and prioritization.
  • Sales and marketing playbook: Action steps were defined for moving leads through the sales funnel, enabling sales teams to follow a structured approach and optimize their sales efforts. This allowed the sales team to keep contact with more clients without increasing manual work load. 
  • Messaging strategy: A structured plan was developed for email send-outs, tailored to specific customer segments. This approach allowed for better communication with different groups, and the effects of the send-outs could be more easily analyzed in order to optimize content. 
  • Sequencing and task management: Sequences were implemented for both one-time sends and automated workflows. Sellers were assigned tasks related to sequencing, ensuring timely follow-up and communication with contacts.



Your CRM Work Process Matters


By implementing a comprehensive B2B CRM model, EFUEL successfully overcame their initial challenges and achieved significant improvements in their sales and marketing efforts. EFUEL’s focus on a holistic marketing approach allowed them to streamline their customer management process and effectively engage with their target audience, ultimately supporting their mission of making sustainable energy accessible to everyone. 


In summary, the power of a CRM system like hubspot lies equally between successful implementation and the people who use it. In order to gain the full benefit of your CRM, it’s important to consider the CRM work process, and only then is it possible for a business to gain real value from the investment.

Ulv truly permeates our collaboration, from the start, on the journey, and throughout the ongoing work. We are constantly being challenged and have a good sparring partner as we develop our digital presence.

- Rasmus BenderCEO & Founder, EFUEL